Welcome to H-Blok
The H-B Brand is a high-quality small company-based business from Massachusetts, started by Banana Burke and BlueJade who plan on taking their art globally and changing the fashion game. Banana Burke and I plan on expanding our horizons with our brand and eventually making more merchandise like adding plushy's to our line but, for now we have fashionable outfits for kids clothing, baby attire, adult wear and much more. Stay tuned for new drops every season.
- Thank you, from BlueJade and Banana Burke
Hello, I am Blue Jade and I am one of the creators and founders of the HB Brand.
Banana Burke and I have been working on this brand and trying to build it up for the past 3 years hoping one day our brand will go global and everyone will wear our names! We are excited to share to you our high quality, well maintenanced website and what type of products we sell and offer to our customers (don't worry it's all for an affordable price). We can't wait to hear your feedback about the brand and make sure to let us know what items you would like to see in the future. We are an open minded, very kind, and warm welcoming type of company:) Thank you for your time
- BlueJade
Yo, My name is Banana and Iām the other creator of H-blok. I am a digital artist and I made this website with my sister Jade. I just like to make really cool art and share with everyone. I want to create a community where everyone is accepted and respected. Please enjoy what we create and show us what you create!